Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Star Legacy

Once again, a method I have studied in class has helped me to create training for work.  I really needed some divine inspiration for an Equal Opportunity class I have to give next month and I certainly found it in this week’s lesson.  I will be using this method to present training on racism and sexism.  This topic is not new to anyone who has been in the army longer than a day so it is hard to think of new ways to make the subject matter interesting.  Here is how I will use the five areas of the Star Legacy to give training:
1-Challenge-I will present two problems-one on racism and one on sexism.  These problems will be presented through video scenarios.
2-Thoughts-I will give the students two different index cards( one for racism and one for sexism) and ask them to write the definition for each topic in their own words. They will then go to the poster board to write their phrase which will be read out loud to the group.
3-Perspectives and Resources-I will then give the definitions and characteristics of racism and sexism.
4-Assessment-We will review the scenarios and discuss key terms.  Then we will, as a class, answer five questions in the Power Point Quiz
5-Wrap-up- I will ask everyone to look at their card and write how their opinion has changed on another poster board.   We will discuss these changes with the entire group.
The only problem I had with creating this lesson was getting my topic in the order that it is presented in the lecture.   I really wanted to have the students write down their thoughts before they watched the video because I want to gage what they already know.   The video will help to provoke thoughts on the topics.
Many technology resources can be used with Star Legacy.   I am using videos to present the scenarios.  If I wanted to present this training online, I could replace the index cards and poster board with a blog and use an online quiz for each individual instead of quizzing the group using Power Point.


  1. Cool idea! Your lesson plan fits well in the STAR Legacy framework. Even if a video was shown first, I think you can still find out your students' thoughts on the topics by asking questions directed toward personal experience or knowledge. It's great that this system can be flexible to both face to face and online environments. I think your students will enjoy the multimedia and opportunity for reflection and discussion on such pertinent social topics. Good luck!

  2. Karen,

    I think it is great that you were able to integrate this theory into one of your trainings. I am sure that sexism and racism is an obvious challenge in the army. If you wanted to explore the online quiz option you could use the Quia website. I think the PowerPoint quiz would be good to use with the whole group. The Quia quiz could be an individual assessment for the learners.

  3. Charlotte,
    I will use the individual quiz for those who miss the class and have to take the make-up training. Let's hope it all works.
